Building on the momentum of the release of her single “Day One” earlier this year, singer and songwriter, F3line, has released her new EP titled “Hopeless...
Alté star Tomi Thomas has premiered the visual performance for “Hurricane,” off his 2021 EP, “Hopeless Romantic.” “Hurricane” is the final session from a series of...
Alté star, Tomi Thomas premieres a striking visual performance for “Waiting,” a track off his 2021 EP, “Hopeless Romantic.” The video builds anticipation for new releases...
After the success of “Hopeless Romantic” earlier this year, Tomi Thomas intends to give fans the same feel of the song with a whole new vibe...
Tomi Thomas has served up his long-awaited Afro-Beat extended play “Hopeless Romantic” and it is totally worth the wait. The 6-track EP features Buju Banton on...
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