The official teaser for Beverly Naya’s documentary “Skin” has been released. Produced by Beverly Naya and directed by Etim Effiong, “Skin” is a feature documentary about...
Clash of Choices, a movie produced by Oliver Benjamin Okoro is getting set for a premiere. While movie lovers across the country await its first viewing,...
Beverly Naya and Etim Effiong have been cooking up something for the past year and we’re so excited that the teasers are here. Produced by Beverly...
The official trailer for the star-studded and highly anticipated “Being Annabel” movie is here. Produced by ChinnyLove Eze, “Being Annabel” stars Desmond Elliot, Alexx Ekubo, Ebube...
Leading South African director, Nosipho Dumisa has been announced as the director of the upcoming Netflix original series, Blood & Water. The series, which is set...
See the full list of the 91st Annual Academy Awards (Oscar) winners below: Here’s the full list of winners. Best Picture Green Book **WINNER** Directing Roma,...
TeefahXOXO‘s latest vlog wades into the ongoing Jussie Smollett scandal. The “Empire” star had allegedly lied to the police that he was attacked by racists and...
The 91st annual Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, was last night, and the event was home to too many glamorous looks. But even more...
Big Brother Nigeria 2018 housemate, Vandora will host a new television show, “Our Perfect Wedding” at a later time this year. The reality show had first...
The Ngee Show is back and on this episode Ngozi talks about female stereotypes and why she feels women are bigger victims in gender stereotyping. From...
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